วัยหมดประจำเดือน (Menopause) คำถามยอดฮิตของผู้หญิง
วัยหมดประจำเดือน (Menopause) คำถามยอดฮิตของผู้หญิง
บรรยายพิเศษ หัวข้อ วัยหมดประจำเดือน (Menopause) สิ่งที่ผู้หญิงควรรู้บรรยายโดย นายแพทย์จักรีวัชร วิวัชรวงศ์ (หม่อมเจ้าจักรีวัชร มหิดล)
(แพทยศาสตรบัณฑิต มหาวิทยาลัยไมอามี รัฐฟลอริดา สหรัฐอเมริกา)
Sawadee Krub (Hello)! I'm Dr Chakriwat
I had some time to look at some Facebook comments.
There was a very interesting comment.
One person asked for more information about menopause or the ceasing of menstruation.
This is a very important and interesting topic because all women will get to the age where they experience menopause.
Therefore, today I'd like to give you more information regarding menopause.
I hope that those who are entering this age range will be able to use this information and discuss it with their primary care physician or family doctor and get more details.
When a girl is born, she will be born with a fixed number of eggs in her ovaries.
She'll have a "fixed number of eggs" in her "ovaries".
In her lifetime, she will not produce any new eggs.
At birth there will be a number of eggs in the ovaries, and eventually the eggs in the the ovaries will be depleted.
And she will enter menopause when the eggs in her ovaries are gone.
This is different from men.
Men can produce sperm their entire lives, continuously producing.
But women, The eggs in the ovaries, are in a certain amount
And women are not creating new eggs.
Eventually the eggs will be gone.
Normally while of child-bearing age every month women will release an egg from their ovaries.
If that egg comes in contact with a sperm cell fertilization will occur.
If an egg comes in contact with a sperm cell she can become pregnant.
But if the egg does not come into contact with a sperm cell the egg will pass through the womans body and exit the body through the birth canal.
This is called a monthly period, or menstruation, when the egg exits the woman's body.
What is Menopause?
Let's take a look at the word itself.Menopause. "Men" means menstruation, or menstrual cycle.
It refers to menstruation.
Pause means to stop.
Therefore, menopause means that the menstrual cycle is stopping.
the menstrual cycle is at an end.
To put it in simpler terms the eggs that are in the ovaries are gone.
For the most part, with menopause, is when we have observed no menstruation for a full year to then be considered menopause.
In most cases with menopause the age range is around 48 - 55 years old.
That's when menopause typically starts.